Category Archives: Cutouts

3/7/13 Prediction Number 1

I do not know what caused it yet, but I am relatively sure at least one hive has expired.  1001 was one of my first two colonies.  I bought it as an established hive from a beekeeper that was going … Continue reading

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Are Bees Wild or Domestic?

I have been pondering the question whether to classify bees as wild or domestic creatures or if it even matters.  To most people I suppose it doesn’t matter, but with my background in biology and chemistry I am not comfortable … Continue reading

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Saturday Morning Cutout

On Saturday 7/28 I helped a couple of friends with a cut out.  It was at an old abandoned house about 25 minutes South of me.  I am not a huge fan of removing established feral bees, but this house … Continue reading

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Rubber bands

It has been two weeks since the “Double-wide Cutout”.   There still has not been a good rain.  The bees have been left alone in the hopes that the queen made it into the bee vacuum. Yesterday (7/22/12) this hive was … Continue reading

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Sunday Morning Cutout

Mike arrived at my house promptly at 06:00 on the morning of the cut-out. I had everything loaded in the truck and was ready to pull out the drive. We were at the double-wide by 6:15. We set up the … Continue reading

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Prepwork the Nightwork before a Cutout

An entire week has already passed since I did a cutout on 7/8/12. This was a fairly easy one but it was still a lot of work. In today’s post I am going to discuss preparation for this cut-out. The … Continue reading

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