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Tag Archives: beekeeping
Painting Boxes
I’ve been through, building boxes and frames so now it’s time for paint. Of all the steps painting is the one I dislike the most. This is mainly because I don’t heat my garage. Therefore I need to wait until … Continue reading
This report is within my trapping area. So Daffodils in bloom as of 3/13/16. Check out for Bloom Progress in your State as well as surrounding States. This information can be found on
Propolis Caps
Any time I find an aspect of beekeeping where a yield can be realized I try to maximize it. Financial viability of a bee operation by honey alone seems like it could be difficult. Wax is a common product that people think … Continue reading
Posted in Experiments, HowTo, Posts, What's going on..
Tagged bee, beekeeping, hive product, propolis, Treatment-free
Smoker Fuel Time
Part of being a beekeeper is becoming aware of the yearly cycle of the Seasons. It’s amazing how disconnected humans have become from nature. I am reminded of this every time a friend or co-worker asks me in January or February … Continue reading
Posted in HowTo, Methods, Posts
Tagged bee, beekeeping, Indiana Beekeeping, smoker fuel, Treatment-free
Mouse Guards
Fall is coming quickly. Trees are already turning colors and we’ve experienced a couple cool nights. A form of selective pressure is on its way in the form of Winter. Many beekeepers are frantically checking their hives, fretting about varroa thresholds, … Continue reading
Signs of life
This Winter has been a bear in Eastern Indiana. I don’t think we have had a good bee day since mid December. I’ve watched hives all Winter as the lows get to -15F, wondering how many will make it. Recently … Continue reading
Since getting involved in beekeeping I have become more aware of the world around me. While driving I look for what is in bloom and sometimes make other discoveries. This time of year I have my eyes peeled for Asters, … Continue reading
Where Bees are…….
I have been trying to think about ways that new beekeepers can find locations to set swarm traps. I remember being new to this and how alien it all seemed that first year. Beekeeping was hard to “get into”. So … Continue reading
Posted in Feral Bees, HowTo, Posts, Swarm Trapping, What's going on..
Tagged bait hive, bee, beekeeping, feral bees, feral hives, Indiana beekepeing, swarm trap, swarm trapping
Trap 27 is IN……
Last weekend I finally got Trap 27 IN!!! It had been loaned to another beekeeper and was in their vehicle for the last several weeks. All traps are now accounted for and once #27 is cleaned up, trap work for … Continue reading
Posted in HowTo, Posts, Swarm Trapping, What's going on..
Tagged bait hive, beekeeping, feral bees, Indiana Beekeeping, Jason Bruns, swarm trap, swarm trapping
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OCD Squirrels
As you have noticed I haven’t been posting as much as last year. I have had a lot going on in the personal life and posting has slid A LOT. I knew early in the year that time was going … Continue reading
Posted in Feral Bees, HowTo, Posts, Swarm Trapping
Tagged bait hive, beekeeping, Indiana Beekeeping, swarm trap, swarm trapping, treatment free beekeeping