I was at a mentor beekeepers house for a visit on 2/3/2012. We took a look at his hives to see if bees were flying. The high that day was 54F. We have had unseasonably warm weather here in Eastern Central Indiana for at least the last week with highs between 50F and 60F. His bees were flying as expected. What was not expected was that they were bringing in pollen. We began to look around his yard and discovered that the maple trees were blooming. It remains to be seen if this is a very good thing. Both of us discussed whether this would induce the queen to begin ramping up or not. If she begins to lay a lot of eggs anticipating that winter is over and we get back to normal February conditions our bees could eat through what is left of their winter stores more rapidly.
I had 14 colonies going into winter. I am aware of one that most likely has alread expired. March and the dandelions cannot get here soon enough.
Locust trees..poplars. maples and honey Locust await your happy bees.as well as my snow peas.
I Hope to have a hive stand over there in early April.