Tried to order stuff from Kelley’s again and had the same issue as last year. The mill-work on this wooden-ware is poor compared to standard Langstroth boxes I have received from Brushy Mountain and Mann Lake. I always purchase either commercial or budget grade hive bodies which ever is available and cheapest. I’m not into select grade because I know this stuff is all going to have a lifespan and towards the end everything will eventually be re-purposed into CatchBoxes or Swarm Traps.
Dirty Rabbet
Dirty Rabbet
End view
Top view with chisel
Truth in advertising:
Above are some deep boxes that I ordered last winter to help a friend meet their $150 minimum order for free shipping. As you can see from the picture I disagree with statement:
COMMERCIAL GRADE: Our commercial grade woodenware is manufactured from Eastern White Pine. These boxes have some tight knots and blemishes, but the workmanship and fit are still first quality. (

NOTE crack in rabbet
In February 2016 when I experienced this same issue (See Box-Building Tips) I tried to put one box together without chiseling out the sloppy cuts. This resulted in the rabbet joint splitting out on the box ends. Then I had to spend more time fixing that! After seeing it happen and knowing how many I had to do I was annoyed. The process of clearing 3/4″ of slop from each side of every board isn’t hard, but it’s definitely and extra step and adds time to assembly. I sent an e-mail to Kelley Beekeeping about the issue. Nothing was requested, no refund, no free crap, just that they should know so others wouldn’t have this same issue. There was no response, and either I issued the only complaint, or they just didn’t care.
Luckily I only had to chisel out four boxes (8-16.25″ box ends) this February instead of 50 (98-16.25″ box ends!!). Remember….. I put the ONE together without chiseling. Just remember there are a lot of different sources for wooden-ware out there. I have never had an issue with other suppliers. Actually I’ve never had a problem with any other products purchased from Kelley’s, but this has been consistent the last two years from the same supplier.
Where have you been getting your wooden-ware?
Have you happy with the quality and cut?
If so where are you getting good mill-work from?