This report is within my trapping area. So Daffodils in bloom as of 3/13/16.
Check out for Bloom Progress in your State as well as surrounding States. This information can be found on
This report is within my trapping area. So Daffodils in bloom as of 3/13/16.
Check out for Bloom Progress in your State as well as surrounding States. This information can be found on
My hive froze with plenty of honey. Can I just put a new package and queen in the hive or should I clean the dead bees out?
I have seen others advise that you don’t need to remove the dead bees… but I always do.
Otherwise they rot. You don’t need to get every single one but get most of them.
Sorry for your dead hive. Where you located.
Cincinnati, Oh
Alright… you’re close! I’m in Indiana about 8 miles West of Oxford. Things are heating up this Spring.
Thanks for reading AND commenting.